We Come To You
We are a local team of experienced, mobile physiotherapists providing home based orthopaedic rehabilitation, falls risk assessment and falls prevention training in the Greater Hobart area.
Our Services
Post Operative Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
We provide a rehabilitation service forming a link between your hospital rehabilitation team and your regular physiotherapy clinic. We call this HOME LINK. We carry out your specialist’s post operative protocol in your home and liaise closely with practitioners involved at all points in your rehabilitation process to ensure a smooth transition between hospital, home and physiotherapy clinic.
HOME LINK rehabilitation can be provided on a flexible week by week basis or as a package of six visits over four weeks.
Falls Risk Assessments
Falls and poor bone health are a major cause of disability in the older population resulting in significant costs and impact on the lifestyle of both the faller and their families.
Research shows that physiotherapy interventions can reduce the chance of falls.
Leading causes of falls include alterations to balance, mobility and strength and the presence of home hazards.
Our comprehensive falls risk assessment includes:
- A 40 point home falls risk assessment
- An assessment of your physical risk of falling using evidence based outcome measures
- A clearly written report outlining strategies to improve the safety of your home
- Recommendations for an individualised program to reduce your falls risk profile
Falls Prevention and Mobility Training ( four visits over six weeks)
Based on your assessment our team will prescribe and train you in a challenging, tailored exercise program addressing:
- Complex mobility
- Balance
- Strength
- Strategies to cope with the consequences of a fall. This will improve your confidence and reduce the effect of fear on your balance and reactions
- Reassessment at the end of your program to monitor your progress
Follow Up and Monitoring (three visits over 12 months)
Effective falls prevention requires a change in behaviour. Research shows that people tend to regress into old habits by six months following a falls prevention program.
We offer a monitoring package which includes a reassessment of your balance and mobility every four months. We may then revise your exercise program to suit your changing needs.
We provide two options for follow up:
- Home visit
- Online via Skype
Referrals and Getting Started
You may request a conventional referral from your surgeon, GP or physiotherapist to HOME PHYSIO for home link rehabilitation. Alternatively they can use the online referral tool here at the top of our homepage.
You may contact us directly or be referred for :
- Falls Risk Assessment
- Falls Prevention Training
Contact us via the form below with any questions or to arrange a call.
Payment Options
- Convenient prepayment via credit card over the phone or on our website
- At your initial visit on commencement of a care package via eftpos, credit card or cash
Home physiotherapy services are claimable with private heath ancillary or extras cover. Check with your provider on your level of cover and rebate entitlements
HOME LINK Post Operative Rehabilitation
Six visits over four weeks visits or on a flexible weekly basisFollow Up and Monitoring Package
Three visits over a 12 month period- Includes reassessment and review of your training programme
Falls Risk Assessment
Fee includes assessment and comprehensive written reportOnline Follow Up and Monitoring Package
Three online sessions over a 12 month period- Save $$ with our Online Reviews Package done via Skype or Facetime
- Includes reassessment and review of your training programme
Falls Prevention and Mobility Training Package
Four visits over six weeksAdditional Travel Charges
Out of Area- All fees within the prescribed territory include travel.
- Additional charges for travel may apply for services outside the area bordered by Margate (S), Lindesfarne/Bellerive(E), Glenorchy(N) and Ferntree (W)