A30 Appointments

A30 appointment checklist

A30 appointments are  appropriate if all  of  the following apply to your situation. If not then A60 appointments will best suit your needs.

To ensure maximum appointment is spent on treatment and not administration you may prepay for your appointment here



This pain is new and occurred  within the last two  weeks as the result of an  direct impact, sprain, twist or other traumatic injury eg I rolled my ankle at soccer or  fell whilst bushwalking


I have never had this pain before.


This is not a recurrent problem that has failed to progress in response to other treatment



I do not have pain in multiple areas.

A30 Appointment details

A30 sessions will be up to 30 minutes in duration and will allow people with acute sporting or traumatic injuries to access an appointment. A30 sessions will be recommended for:

  • Treatment of a single area, such as required for a simple, traumatic injury (such as a sprained ankle or knee ligament or acute (sudden onset less than 48 hours duration) episode of pain.
  • A check up of physical range of motion measures or movement and posture milestones for someone who has previously attended Integrated Physiotherapy and  who has previously completed a treatment plan but would like to get an update on their progress or determine whether or not a “tune up” treatment plan is required.
  • A screening, assessment and treatment planning only. This may be appropriate for a new patient referred to the clinic who is unfamiliar with the integrated treatment process and who wishes to gain  insight into their pain and movement problems and be advised about the integrated treatment options available .

If you are unsure whether you should book an A30 or an A60 appointment email us and we will call you to discuss what would best suit your requirements.

Appointment Fee $99

Please note: Sports taping or strapping products used will be additional to this. Please bring a small amount of cash($4-12) to cover incidentals.

Book An A30 Appointment

Book an A30 appointment by contacting us.

Unsure Which Appointment?

If you are unsure whether you should book an A30 or an A60 appointment email us and we will call you to discuss what would best suit your requirements.